
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
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During the first 10 minutes no word was spoken. The only auditable sounds were that of branches cracking under two pair of feet and the wind howling and playing with leftovers of leaves.  

Joohyun couldn't help but wonder what the younger girl was thinking, her being uncharacteristically silent.

It wasn't as if the latter spoke constantly or felt the need to do so, but in comparison to the older girl, she was definitely the talker. 

She also felt a bit distressed at the thought of not being able to open up more. 

Sure, it had been a huge step for Joohyun to genuinely express the fact that she felt inadequate at socializing, and admittedly, there was a second when she felt proud of herself for doing so. However, it did not halt her anxious thoughts at the slightest.  

What if she became incapable of expressing herself again and got sent all the way back to the start, like a game that was reset or unsaved? What if the whole mood became unbearably awkward? 

What if Seungwan thought of her as an uninteresting, boring person and decided that she was not worthy of her time after today? 

Joohyun had difficulty thinking clearly as she felt the intensity of her heart beating in , trying to get rid of it by gulping several times.  


Maybe I should say something. 


Please just... say something. 




Come on, Joohyun. 


What does she even think about me? 


''There is no need to feel uneasy around me'', Seungwan suddenly spoke, as if she had read the older girl's mind. 

Joohyun took a quick glance at Seungwan's face before redirecting her gaze towards the trees standing next to the pathway.  

''I know it's easier said than done. But I really want you to know that I won't see you as weird nor stupid, and that you don't have to feel ashamed about whatever you think or say. '' 

Feeling herself getting a bit teary-eyed at Seungwan's unexpected statement, Joohyun looked slightly upwards in an attempt to dry her eyes and prevent giving away the fact that she was getting emotional. 

''You don't have to hold back'', Seungwan paused briefly. ''This might be a very cliché thing to say but... you can be yourself when you are with me.'' 

The older girl firmly grasped the edges of her sleeves trying to control herself. 


She really is hitting all the buttons... 


Joohyun took a deep breath in order to calm herself down and speak properly without becoming a big emotional mess. 

''Yes, it's very cliché...'', she smiled before whispering a 'Thank you'. 

She was truly grateful but couldn't find any words to express it in a more genuine manner.  

Yet she avoided Seungwan's gaze. 

Even though the latter had assured her that she didn't have to be afraid around her, Joohyun still had difficulty showing any signs of emotional vulnerability. 

She hoped for understanding from the blonde girl. 


Please understand. Please don't be disappointed. 


''Don't force yourself though. Like I said earlier, it's easier said than done. Open up when you feel comfortable to do so.'' 

Joohyun took another deep breath and slightly nodded. 


How does she do that? Reading me like the words are written on my face? 


''You mentioned it before but... do you like spending the breaks with Sooyoung and my sister? Do you feel comfortable around them?'' 

Joohyun smiled at the mention of the girls' names, briefly replaying small bits of memories. 

''It might sound kind of ironic but...'', she paused, pondering on her next words. ''To be honest...I... I really like Yeri's honesty. She might be blunt, but somehow... it actually helps.'' 

It truly did. Even though there had been a few times when she had felt threatened and feared that Yeri had been picking on her, those worries were brushed away earlier today.  

Joohyun had to thank the taller girl for her insightful help as well and for showing her different perspectives. Whereas she tended to look at the world through a black and white filter, Sooyoung guided her through the grey areas.  

There seemed to be a balance between Yeri's bluntness and Sooyoung's sensitivity in which they complemented each other and also offered support to the oldest girl. 

''Sooyoung is very sharp. She has such an amazing way with words and her advice always makes you think. I kind of envy that. It makes me wonder where she got so much wisdom from despite only being 19 years old'', Joohyun chuckled. ''And the conversations are amusing. Sooyoung often nags Yeri about her social approach, and Yeri complains about Sooyoung's 'beating-around-the-bush' techniques. What is interesting to me is that it seems like Yeri, who is always so honest, is prone to having a lot of difficulties in expressing her feelings, while Sooyoung seems more at ease when talking about how she truly feels.'' 

She put her hands in the pockets of her black jacket to warm them up, before continuing the conversation.  

''I really like them. At first, I was kind of uncomfortable around both of them, especially Yeri. It seemed like she had no filter and I wondered if that was part of her personality...'' 


Or if she was doing it on purpose to bully me. 


Joohyun didn't say those words out loud, afraid of hurting Seungwan with her prejudgements about her little sister. 

She felt guilty because of it. After all, the blonde girl had tried to assure her that she would not judge her nor bash her, whilst Joohyun had criticised Yeri almost immediately.  

Even though she had never voiced her judgements about the youngest girl, it still counted. 


You are a bit of a horrible person, aren't you Joohyun? 


She shook her head to brush off the negative thoughts that were about to take over and depress her. 

As usually. 


''You actually have a way with words as well'', Joohyun lifted her head almost immediately to look at the girl who was walking next to her. 

Seungwan's eyes were focused on the path in front of them and a subtle smile appeared on her face. 

Her bangs had grown and were now covering a big part of her eyebrows. A strand of hair, which seemed to be somewhat longer compared to the rest, moved subtly with each step she took, dangling in front of her left eye. 

For a moment, Joohyun did not see anything or anyone else except for the beauty who was walking next to her. Like some kind of tunnel vision. 

As if her eyes had become a camera, focusing on the blonde girl and capturing every detail. 

For a moment, everything became calm. 

And when their eyes met, Joohyun swore she saw the sun, moon and stars in her eyes. Even the sky could not compete. 

''Joohyun?  Is everything okay?'', Seungwan frowned in confusion and worry. 

The taller girl blinked a few times, letting the question sink in. 

''Uh...yes...yes! Everything is fine'', Joohyun looked away as she felt herself heating up more than an erupting volcano. 


that was so cheesy that I might die from cringing too much. 


''Sorry...I... I was just thinking of something. Could you...maybe repeat what you said? I didn't catch it... sorry...'', Joohyun apologized as she felt another wave of guilt washing over her. 

''Oh, don't worry about it, it's okay!'', Seungwan smiled. ''I said that you have a way with words. You mentioned that you envied Sooyoung for that, but I really like listening to you.'' 

Joohyun's eyes widened at that statement and she analysed Seungwan's facial expression or body language for any hints that she was joking or lying to make her feel better, only to find none. 

''You...you really think so?'' 

She was not fully convinced. In all honesty, compliments usually didn't have any effect on Joohyun. Only a feeling of embarrassment from being put in the spotlight and not knowing how to react. But never because she had been convinced that the compliments were based on truth.  

It's like words of praise didn't sink in, never felt real. 

This made Joohyun feel as if she was a cold-hearted human without emotions sometimes. 

''I do.  I think it comes out when you are talking about something that you are passionate about.'' 

The older girl raised her eyebrows in confusion. 

''Something that I am passionate about?'' 

Seungwan chuckled in response.  

''Yes. When you talked about Sooyoung and Yeri. It's clear that you are a psychology major, you know?'' 

''Oh... I am sorry if I bored you with it or anything...'' 

''No, no, no! Not at all!'', Seungwan waved her hands and shook her head in an almost too dramatic way. ''I loved it! Like I said, I love it when you talk. I love hearing your voice.'' 

For a moment, Joohyun could've sworn that she saw a hint of red on the blonde girl's cheeks, before the latter turned her head down for 3 seconds. 

''You...you do?'', the older girl was caught off guard. 

Even though, she had barely felt anything when Seungwan praised her for her way with words, hearing her express her love for Joohyun's voice really hit her hard. 

For once, Joohyun felt reassured and bit more confident about her talking skills.  

Moreover, the butterflies in her stomach were doing somersaults and there was a fluttery feeling in her heart.  

She tried her hardest to suppress a wide smile on her face and the utter joy that came with it, however she could not prevent the corners of to curl up and a bit of her front teeth to be bared.  


She... she loves my voice...  

She... loves hearing me talk... 


''Thank you...'', Joohyun replied as she felt her cheeks glowing.  

''Uh...you're...you're welcome!'', Seungwan stuttered. She briefly rubbed the back of her neck. 

''So...'', the blonde girl hesitated for a moment. ''You mentioned that Seulgi has been your only friend for years, right?'' 

Joohyun nodded. She felt a hint of nervousness at the sudden change of subject.  

''This might a very personal question, so please don't feel pressured to answer it or anything...but...'' 

The older girl could already guess where this was going. 

''I was wondering if you have always been the non-talkative type of person, or...'' 


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The dream of a soul awake.


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Chapter 1: i love it so far!
reveluv316 805 streak #2
congrats on the feature
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 17: I swear i could punch Seul rn. The truth bombed she drop to Seungwan as if she didnt know that Joohyun about to confess to seungwan. Wow. That is so selfish of her.

Also, imate to this but in so invested. 🥹
Seungwanniepuppy #4
Chapter 16: I dont want to conclude but why do i feel like Seungwan’s answer has something to do with Seul. I just feel like Seul talked to Seungwan before this conversation with Joohyun. Uggghh i hope im wrong coz if not i wont really dislike Seul for this.
Grats on the feature!
Chapter 27: So, I started reading this story today. And I found it way too relatable. And.... I guess, it gave a tiny bit of courage to step out of my comfort zone? So.... thank you?
Chapter 24: i hate the way they are making seulgi look like a villain she didnt act with the best intentions of course but it was not that bad to the point that yeri even feels the need to beat her #sosadforourbear
winxc124 #8
Chapter 1: You're ugly, Irene. Go get help from SM if you cont this im gonna not stan anyone from Red Velvet anymore
1727 streak #9
congrats on the featureeeee
2072 streak #10
Chapter 3: Ahhhh seungwan is a kitchen girl